博士後期課程2年 土本和秀君が,2014 Excellent Student Award of the IEEE Fukuoka Section(2014年 IEEE福岡支部 学生研究奨励賞(第14回))を受賞(10名が受賞)しました。

Mr. Kazuhide Domoto was awarded with 2014 Excellent Student Award of the IEEE Fukuoka Section.
(2014 Excellent Student Award of the IEEE Fukuoka Sectionへのリンク)

Kazuhide Domoto, Yoichi Ishizuka, Seiya Abe and Tamotsu Ninomiya, “Control Characteristics Improvement of Full-Bridge DC-DC Converter with Snubber Capacitor,” Proceedings of the 2014 International Power Electronics Conference -ECCE ASIA- (IPEC-Hiroshima 2014 -ECCE ASIA-). pp. 3468-3471. May 2014.
